CAE, the jewel of the Montréal aerospace cluster
In fiscal year 2018, CAE earned $ 2.84 billion in revenue. It holds 75% market share for flight simulators and about 25% market share for pilot training. It has 8,500 employees in 160 locations and 35 countries, including nearly 5,000 in the Montreal area.
After CAE completes the acquisition of Bombardier Aviation Training, it will manage a network of 30 simulators just for Bombardier business jets. CAE will therefore be Bombardier’s largest provider of pilot training services for business aircraft and also the largest supplier of all-brand business jets. Again, CAE has found a way to grow in its field and remain the leader in its field.
What makes a gemstone a jewel is its value and beauty; Over the next five years, CAE will invest $ 1 billion in artificial intelligence research and development and this represents an invaluable investment for the Montreal region. Finally, CAE is perhaps not the largest and most flamboyant of Montreal aerospace companies, but it is the one that shines the most in its field.
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